Screen Tea Podcast

Episode 26: Pan's Labyrinth

Screen Tea Podcast Episode 26

Welcome to Screen Tea Podcast! Draw yourself a chalk door and crawl into a world of horrific fantasy this week as Lisha and Jules delight over Lisha's favorite film of all time, Guillermo del Toro's 2006 masterpiece Pan's Labyrinth! Grab a seat at the table (but don't touch the grapes!) and listen to Lisha get teary eyed over the character alignments of mythical creatures and asshole fascists, Jules fawns over the faun, and both ladies lament over how Ofelia is just the epitome of A GOOD LITTLE GIRL WHO DESERVES TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. Also, listen up; if you've ever wondered just how you're supposed to take that ending (is she a princess? is she a traumatized as hell little girl with super awesome-yet-terrifying imaginary friends?), we have the answer for you, children!

Sources for information gathered for this episode were:,,, and

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(Excellent podcast logo commissioned from the talented Mel. Find Mel on Instagram @javadoodler, website, or on Facebook at
Our incredible intro music was composed by Detroit musician Sasha Kashperko!)